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Probate Estate Attorney in McHenry County, Illinois

My Philosophy

I chose to emphasis this area of law because it seemed a natural extension of my services for families. When a loved one dies or is in need, it is a difficult and emotional time. Trusted and caring guidance is needed.

I have dealt with the elderly and the disabled in my own life, and remember how important it was to do the right thing for them. I also remember my guilt, when I was unable to care for them myself and appreciated having an ally to support me.

I have helped friends with special needs children obtain guardianship when the children turns eighteen years of age. I also am routinely appointed by the court to advise the court if a guardian is needed and to recommend the suitable guardian. On occasion, the court has also appointed me to represent the alleged disabled person, who is fighting the guardianship.

I have administered estates in my family and recall how time consuming and lonely a process it can be.

My personal and professional experiences have given me insight into the different sides to probate issues and to craft an individual resolution.

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Probate Law

The Probate Court covers a diverse set of legal issues. The judge addresses guardianships of minors, approval settlements for minors, guardianships for disabled or elderly adults, deceased person with a will, deceased person without a will. A will can be administered without opening up a court matter.

Probate Matters Include:

  • Guardianships for Disabled Adults

  • Guardianships for Minors

  • Administering Estates with or without Wills

  • Administering Estates with or without Trusts

Administering Wills

Most people would say that they do not have an “estate”. However, in the eyes of the law, anyone who dies leaves an estate. It must be properly opened and closed. When a loved one dies, the executor of the will and/or remaining family usually does not know where to start. Having been through this procedure many times, I can direct you through the process, whether there is a will or if the person died without a will (intestate).

Part of my services include:

  • file your will with the McHenry County Clerk

  • advise you as to whether or not the estate needs to be officially opened in the probate court

  • show you how to pay creditors

  • help you to dispose of assets

  • contacting and coordinating with other professionals

  • prepare the court accounting

  • maintain communications for you with other family members, whose grief may be affecting their judgment

This is not an easy process. However, as loved ones live longer, it is a necessary process.